Business Analytics
Analyse Health and Demographic Data to identify common traits leading to Heart Disease
Decode the patterns and trends in health data, fine-tune your python prowess and engage in data storytelling like never before.
Certified by
Business Analyst
No. of Subscribers
Time Commitment
60 Hours
35 days
Tools you’ll learn
Here’s What You Work On
About the Company
Practo, a Bengaluru based healthcare startup is a crucial healthcare problem- connecting doctors to patients. Shashank, the founder and CEO, describes it as a hyperloop- a full stack health solution. An app that provides services ranging from online consultation to booking diagnostic tests, it has been a boon for many, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Practo enjoys more than 90% market share amongst doctors who do use technology. Completely centered around patients, it has made healthcare more accessible and affordable than ever before!
the following work techniques
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) using Python
Data Visualisation using Python
Bridging the gap
This experience aims to analyze a healthcare dataset using Python to explore the relationship between various health metrics and heart disease.
Using Python, a highly versatile and popular coding language for data analysis, we challenge you to decode the patterns and trends in health data. 
Through this experience, you will apply data exploration and cleaning techniques, followed by data visualization leading to your final analysis and recommendations.

the following skills
Data Analysis
Data Visualization
Data preparation
Expected output
To complete this experience, you will be required to submit a research report on Healthcare analytics, python notebooks with properly commented code and a final presentation with your findings and analysis.
the following deliverables
Research Report on Healthcare Analytics
Python Notebooks with properly commented code
Final Report on Insights and Conclusions
What you’ll need before starting
Python Libraries