Business Analytics
Analyse the market trends of the Used Car Market from multiple geographies using EDA and Data Visualization
Help a car reseller analyse the market trends of the used car market using exploratory data analysis and data visualization.

Certified by
Business Analyst
Automotive Retail
No. of Subscribers
Time Commitment
60 Hours
35 days
Tools you’ll learn
Here’s What You Work On
About the Company
Founded in 2015, CARS24 is a leading AutoTech company streamlining and revolutionizing the sale, purchase, and financing of pre-owned cars in India, Australia, Thailand, and UAE. Leveraging a Smart AI Pricing Engine, and 140 quality checks, selling and buying pre-owned vehicles is seamless and transparent with CARS24. 

CARS24 has brought together cutting-edge technology and country-wide partners to solve all the problems associated with selling an existing car, or purchasing a pre-loved one. Their team of dedicated in-house researchers work tirelessly to understand what our customers desire and create a delightful buying or selling experience for them.

the following work techniques
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA with SQL
Data Visualisation using Tableau
Bridging the gap
CARS24 aims to gain & maintain a competitive advantage by staying ahead of market trends and customer preferences in the car resale industry.
Leveraging SQL for data analysis and visualization tools like Tableau enables them to optimize their operations, inventory management, pricing strategy, and marketing efforts based on actionable data insights.

In this project, you will help analyze market data of the used car market in India and highlight trends that will help CARS24 make better strategy decisions such as target geographies and pricing.

the following skills
Data Analysis
Data Visualization
Data preparation
Expected output
In this Menternship, you will be required to submit the prepared dataset, documented SQL Queries and Results, Visual Dashboards showcasing your analysis & a Presentation outlining your findings and recommendations.
the following deliverables
Data preparation of the given dataset
Visual Dashboards on Tableau
Presentation with Key Insights & Findings
What you’ll need before starting
Intermediate SQL 