Business Analytics
Design a Power BI dashboard for organic food products of Sresta - 24 Mantra
How do companies track their marketing performance? 
Certified by
Business Analyst
Food & Beverage
No. of Subscribers
Time Commitment
Submit First Draft in 30 days
60 days
Tools you’ll learn
Here’s What You Work On
About the Company
Sresta Organics 24 Mantra is a category leader in organic food and staples. Their operations span over 7000 retail locations in the country and across all major e-commerce platforms. The have over 130 varieties of organic products that are marketed through various channels including social, partner and direct-to-customer marketing. At the heart of their brand messaging is their farm to fork approach - they work with 35000 farmers across 15 states to bring organic produce to customers at scale.
the following work techniques
Advanced Analytics
Power BI
Bridging the gap
Power BI is an open-source data analytics and visualization tool that can be used by business teams across the world to gain real-time insights into their business. The biggest advantage of models built on Power BI are the fact that they can be built and used by anyone across the company with minimal training. The true challenge of creating an effective power BI dashboard is the ability to ask the right questions from the dataset and set up the visualizations which will present to the company - the most important metrics.
the following skills
Dashboard designing
Data Analysis
Data preparation
Hypothesis testing
Expected output
Use Power BI to create a marketing dashboard for a FMCG company.
the following deliverables
List of key marketing success metrics for FMCG
Power BI marketing dashboard for a FMCG company
What you’ll need before starting
Access to an official school/work email is required for all Power BI menternships