Business Analytics
Recommend mutual funds based on investors' risk profile
Should I invest? Should I not? Use business analytics to help investors make this crucial decision!
Certified by
Business Analyst
No. of Subscribers
Time Commitment
Submit First Draft in 30 Days
60 days
Tools you’ll learn
Here’s What You Work On
About the Company
Trading is fun, exciting and risky! Enrich Money, a fintech firm based out of Chennai, is making trading accessible as well! Their extremely user-friendly mobile app is a huge hit amongst clients! With an ambitious motto for their clients- “Get rich through Enrich”, they are pulling all stops to deliver the best trading advice and customer service! If you want to get started on trading, you know where to go!
the following work techniques
Bridging the gap
Investing is not easy! Understanding one’s own risk profile and choosing the right portfolio can feel daunting! What if you had recommendations on which mutual funds to invest in? And what if these were based on performance data of these funds over the years? These are the kind of insights that business analytics can provide for making investment decisions. With increase in the number of people investing, the use of data analytics in making investment decisions is here to stay!
the following skills
Data Visualization
Data Wrangling
Data cleaning
SQL Programming
Expected output
In this menternship, you are required to make investment recommendations for all risk profiles.
the following deliverables
PowerBI Dashboard to study patterns in International Mutual Funds data
Insights based on Exploratory Data Analysis
What you’ll need before starting
Looks like you don’t need anything to start this , so go ahead and enroll yourself now!